
Installing with pip [1] (platform-independent)

Sardana can be installed using pip. The following command will automatically download and install the latest release of Sardana (see pip –help for options):

pip install sardana

You can test the installation by running:

python -c "import sardana; print sardana.Release.version"

Installing from PyPI manually [2] (platform-independent)

You may alternatively install from a downloaded release package:

  1. Download the latest release of Sardana from

  2. Extract the downloaded source into a temporary directory and change to it

  3. run:

    python install

You can test the installation by running:

python -c "import sardana; print sardana.Release.version"

Linux (Debian-based)

Since v1.4, Sardana is part of the official repositories of Debian (and Ubuntu and other Debian-based distros). You can install it and all its dependencies by doing (as root):

aptitude install python-sardana

You can test the installation by running:

python -c "import sardana; print sardana.Release.version"

(see more detailed instructions in this step-by-step howto)


  1. Download the latest windows binary from

  2. Run the installation executable

  3. test the installation:

    C:\Python27\python -c "import sardana; print sardana.Release.version"

Windows installation shortcut

This chapter provides a quick shortcut to all windows packages which are necessary to run Sardana on your windows machine

  1. Install all dependencies:

    1. Download and install latest PyTango from PyTango downdoad page
    2. Download and install latest Taurus from Taurus downdoad page
    3. Download and install latest lxml from lxml downdoad page
    4. Download and install latest itango from itango download page
  2. Finally download and install latest Sardana from Sardana downdoad page

Working directly from Git

Sometimes it is convenient to work directly from the git source without installing. To do so, you can clone sardana from our main git repository:

git clone sardana

And then you can directly execute sardana binaries (Pool, MacroServer, Sardana or spock from the command line):

homer@pc001:~/workspace$ cd sardana
homer@pc001:~/workspace/sardana$ scripts/Sardana


If you plan to work normally from git without installing, you may want to add the sardana/scripts directory to your PATH variable and sardana/src to your PYTHONPATH variable.


Sardana has dependencies on some python libraries:

  • Sardana uses Tango as the middleware so you need PyTango 7 or later installed. You can check it by doing:

    python -c 'import PyTango; print PyTango.Release.version'
  • Sardana clients are developed with Taurus so you need Taurus 3.6.0 or later installed. You can check it by doing:

    python -c 'import taurus; print taurus.Release.version'
  • Sardana operate some data in the XML format and requires lxml library 2.1 or later. You can check it by doing:

    python -c 'import lxml.etree; print lxml.etree.LXML_VERSION'
  • spock (Sardana CLI) requires itango 0.0.1 or later [3].


[1]This command requires super user previledges on linux systems. If your user has them you can usually prefix the command with sudo: sudo pip -U sardana. Alternatively, if you don’t have administrator previledges, you can install locally in your user directory with: pip --user sardana In this case the executables are located at <HOME_DIR>/.local/bin. Make sure the PATH is pointing there or you execute from there.
[2] install requires user previledges on linux systems. If your user has them you can usually prefix the command with sudo: sudo python install. Alternatively, if you don’t have administrator previledges, you can install locally in your user directory with: python install --user In this case the executables are located at <HOME_DIR>/.local/bin. Make sure the PATH is pointing there or you execute from there.
[3]PyTango < 9 is compatible with itango >= 0.0.1 and < 0.1.0, while higher versions with itango >= 0.1.6.