
Generic Sardana Tango device module



Inheritance diagram of SardanaDevice

class SardanaDevice(dclass, name)[source]

Bases: PyTango.Device_4Impl, taurus.core.util.log.Logger

SardanaDevice represents the base class for all Sardana PyTango.DeviceImpl classes


initialize the device once in the object lifetime. Override when necessary but always call the method from your super class

Parameters:name (str) – device name

Returns this device alias name

Returns:this device alias
Return type:str

the device alias name


Returns the device full name in format dbname:dbport/<domain>/<family>/<member>

Returns:this device full name
Return type:str

Initialize the device. Called during startup after init() and every time the tango Init command is executed. Override when necessary but always call the method from your super class


Internal method. Initialize the device when tango database is not being used (example: in demos)


Clean the device. Called during shutdown and every time the tango Init command is executed. Override when necessary but always call the method from your super class

set_change_events(evts_checked, evts_not_checked)[source]

Helper method to set change events on attributes

  • evts_checked (seq<str>) – list of attribute names to activate change events programatically with tango filter active
  • evts_not_checked (seq<str>) – list of attribute names to activate change events programatically with tango filter inactive. Use this with care! Attributes configured with no change event filter may potentially generated a lot of events!

Initialize dynamic attributes. Default implementation does nothing. Override when necessary.


Return the ThreadPool used by sardana to send tango events.

Returns:the sardana ThreadPool
Return type:ThreadPool

Gets the attribute for the given name.

Parameters:attr_name (str) – attribute name
Returns:the attribute object
Return type:Attribute

Gets the writable attribute for the given name.

Parameters:attr_name (str) – attribute name
Returns:the attribute object
Return type:WAttribute

Helper method to return a reference to the current tango database

Returns:the Tango database
Return type:Database
set_write_attribute(attr, w_value)[source]
set_attribute(attr, value=None, w_value=None, timestamp=None, quality=None, error=None, priority=1, synch=True)[source]

Sets the given attribute value. If timestamp is not given, now is used as timestamp. If quality is not given VALID is assigned. If error is given an error event is sent (with no value and quality INVALID). If priority is > 1, the event filter is temporarily disabled so the event is sent for sure. If synch is set to True, wait for fire event to finish

  • attr (PyTango.Attribute) – the tango attribute
  • value (object) – the value to be set (not mandatory if setting an error) [default: None]
  • w_value – the write value to be set (not mandatory) [default: None, meaning maintain current write value]
  • timestamp (float or PyTango.TimeVal) – the timestamp associated with the operation [default: None, meaning use now as timestamp]
  • quality (PyTango.AttrQuality) – attribute quality [default: None, meaning VALID]
  • error (PyTango.DevFailed) – a tango DevFailed error or None if not an error [default: None]
  • priority (int) – event priority [default: 1, meaning normal priority]. If priority is > 1, the event filter is temporarily disabled so the event is sent for sure. The event filter is restored to the previous value
  • synch – If synch is set to True, wait for fire event to finish. If False, a job is sent to the sardana thread pool and the method returns immediately [default: True]
set_attribute_push(attr, value=None, w_value=None, timestamp=None, quality=None, error=None, priority=1, synch=True)[source]

Synchronous internal implementation of set_attribute() (synch is passed to this method because it might need to know if it is being executed in a synchronous or asynchronous context).

calculate_tango_state(ctrl_state, update=False)[source]

Calculate tango state based on the controller state.

  • ctrl_state (State) – the state returned by the controller
  • update (bool) – if True, set the state of this device with the calculated tango state [default: False:

the corresponding tango state

Return type:


calculate_tango_status(ctrl_status, update=False)[source]

Calculate tango status based on the controller status.

  • ctrl_status (str) – the status returned by the controller
  • update (bool) – if True, set the state of this device with the calculated tango state [default: False:

the corresponding tango state

Return type:



Inheritance diagram of SardanaDeviceClass

class SardanaDeviceClass(name)[source]

Bases: PyTango.DeviceClass

SardanaDeviceClass represents the base class for all Sardana PyTango.DeviceClass classes

class_property_list = {}

Sardana device class properties definition

device_property_list = {}

Sardana device properties definition

cmd_list = {}

Sardana device command definition

attr_list = {}

Sardana device attribute definition


Write class properties ProjectTitle, Description, doc_url, InheritedFrom and __icon


Invoked to create dynamic attributes for the given devices. Default implementation calls SardanaDevice.initialize_dynamic_attributes() for each device

Parameters:dev_list (PyTango.DeviceImpl) – list of devices

Builds list of device names to use when no Database is being used

Parameters:dev_name_list (seq<obj:list>) – list to be filled with device names