Source code for sardana.macroserver.macros.standard

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This is the standard macro module"""

__all__ = ["ct", "mstate", "mv", "mvr", "pwa", "pwm", "repeat", "set_lim",
           "set_lm", "set_pos", "settimer", "uct", "umv", "umvr", "wa", "wm",
           "tw", "logmacro"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import datetime

import numpy as np
from taurus import Device
from taurus.console.table import Table
import PyTango
from PyTango import DevState

from sardana.macroserver.macro import Macro, macro, Type, ParamRepeat, \
    ViewOption, iMacro, Hookable
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import StopException
from sardana.macroserver.scan.scandata import Record
# Motion related macros

class _wm(Macro):
    """Show motor positions"""

    param_def = [
         ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to move']),
         None, 'List of motor to show'],

    def run(self, motor_list):
        show_dial = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.ShowDial)
        show_ctrlaxis = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.ShowCtrlAxis)
        pos_format = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.PosFormat)
        motor_width = 9
        motors = {}  # dict(motor name: motor obj)
        requests = {}  # dict(motor name: request id)
        data = {}  # dict(motor name: list of motor data)
        # sending asynchronous requests: neither Taurus nor Sardana extensions
        # allow asynchronous requests - use PyTango asynchronous request model
        for motor in motor_list:
            name = motor.getName()
            motors[name] = motor
            args = ('position',)
            if show_dial:
                args += ('dialposition',)
            _id = motor.read_attributes_asynch(args)
            requests[name] = _id
            motor_width = max(motor_width, len(name))
            data[name] = []
        # get additional motor information (ctrl name & axis)
        if show_ctrlaxis:
            for name, motor in motors.iteritems():
                ctrl_name = self.getController(motor.controller).name
                axis_nb = str(getattr(motor, "axis"))
                data[name].extend((ctrl_name, axis_nb))
                motor_width = max(motor_width, len(ctrl_name), len(axis_nb))
        # collect asynchronous replies
        while len(requests) > 0:
            req2delete = []
            for name, _id in requests.iteritems():
                motor = motors[name]
                    attrs = motor.read_attributes_reply(_id)
                    for attr in attrs:
                        value = attr.value
                        if value is None:
                            value = float('NaN')
                except PyTango.AsynReplyNotArrived:
                except PyTango.DevFailed:
                    if show_dial:
                    self.debug('Error when reading %s position(s)' % name)
                    self.debug('Details:', exc_info=1)
            # removing motors which alredy replied
            for name in req2delete:
        # define format for numerical values
        fmt = '%c*.%df' % ('%', motor_width - 5)
        if pos_format > -1:
            fmt = '%c*.%df' % ('%', int(pos_format))
        # prepare row headers and formats
        row_headers = []
        t_format = []
        if show_ctrlaxis:
            row_headers += ['Ctrl', 'Axis']
            t_format += ['%*s', '%*s']
        if show_dial:
        # sort the data dict by keys
        col_headers = []
        values = []
        for mot_name, mot_values in sorted(data.items()):
            col_headers.append([mot_name])  # convert name to list
        # create and print table
        table = Table(values, elem_fmt=t_format,
                      col_head_str=col_headers, col_head_width=motor_width,
        for line in table.genOutput():

class _wum(Macro):
    """Show user motor positions"""

    param_def = [
         ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to move']),
         None, 'List of motor to show'],

    def prepare(self, motor_list, **opts):
        self.table_opts = {}

    def run(self, motor_list):
        motor_width = 9
        motor_names = []
        motor_pos = []
        motor_list = sorted(motor_list)
        for motor in motor_list:
            name = motor.getName()
            pos = motor.getPosition(force=True)
            if pos is None:
                pos = float('NAN')
            motor_width = max(motor_width, len(name))

        fmt = '%c*.%df' % ('%', motor_width - 5)

        table = Table(motor_pos, elem_fmt=[fmt],
                      col_head_str=motor_names, col_head_width=motor_width,
        for line in table.genOutput():

class wu(Macro):
    """Show all user motor positions"""

    def prepare(self, **opts):
        self.all_motors = self.findObjs('.*', type_class=Type.Moveable)
        self.table_opts = {}

    def run(self):
        nr_motors = len(self.all_motors)
        if nr_motors == 0:
            self.output('No motor defined')

        self.output('Current positions (user) on %s' %
          ' '))

        self.execMacro('_wum', self.all_motors, **self.table_opts)

[docs]class wa(Macro): """Show all motor positions""" # TODO: duplication of the default value definition is a workaround # for #427. See commit message cc3331a for more details. param_def = [ ['filter', ParamRepeat(['filter', Type.String, '.*', 'a regular expression filter'], min=1), ['.*'], 'a regular expression filter'], ]
[docs] def prepare(self, filter, **opts): self.all_motors = self.findObjs(filter, type_class=Type.Moveable) self.table_opts = {}
[docs] def run(self, filter): nr_motors = len(self.all_motors) if nr_motors == 0: self.output('No motor defined') return show_dial = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.ShowDial) if show_dial: self.output('Current positions (user, dial) on %s' %' ')) else: self.output('Current positions (user) on %s' %' ')) self.output('') self.execMacro('_wm', self.all_motors, **self.table_opts)
[docs]class pwa(Macro): """Show all motor positions in a pretty table""" # TODO: duplication of the default value definition is a workaround # for #427. See commit message cc3331a for more details. param_def = [ ['filter', ParamRepeat(['filter', Type.String, '.*', 'a regular expression filter'], min=1), ['.*'], 'a regular expression filter'], ]
[docs] def run(self, filter): self.execMacro('wa', filter, **Table.PrettyOpts)
[docs]class set_lim(Macro): """Sets the software limits on the specified motor hello""" param_def = [ ['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor name'], ['low', Type.Float, None, 'lower limit'], ['high', Type.Float, None, 'upper limit'] ]
[docs] def run(self, motor, low, high): name = motor.getName() self.debug("Setting user limits for %s" % name) motor.getPositionObj().setLimits(low, high) self.output("%s limits set to %.4f %.4f (user units)" % (name, low, high))
[docs]class set_lm(Macro): """Sets the dial limits on the specified motor""" param_def = [ ['motor', Type.Motor, None, 'Motor name'], ['low', Type.Float, None, 'lower limit'], ['high', Type.Float, None, 'upper limit'] ]
[docs] def run(self, motor, low, high): name = motor.getName() self.debug("Setting dial limits for %s" % name) motor.getDialPositionObj().setLimits(low, high) self.output("%s limits set to %.4f %.4f (dial units)" % (name, low, high))
[docs]class set_pos(Macro): """Sets the position of the motor to the specified value""" param_def = [ ['motor', Type.Motor, None, 'Motor name'], ['pos', Type.Float, None, 'Position to move to'] ]
[docs] def run(self, motor, pos): name = motor.getName() old_pos = motor.getPosition(force=True) motor.definePosition(pos) self.output("%s reset from %.4f to %.4f" % (name, old_pos, pos))
class set_user_pos(Macro): """Sets the USER position of the motor to the specified value (by changing OFFSET and keeping DIAL)""" param_def = [ ['motor', Type.Motor, None, 'Motor name'], ['pos', Type.Float, None, 'Position to move to'] ] def run(self, motor, pos): name = motor.getName() old_pos = motor.getPosition(force=True) offset_attr = motor.getAttribute('Offset') old_offset = new_offset = pos - (old_pos - old_offset) offset_attr.write(new_offset) msg = "%s reset from %.4f (offset %.4f) to %.4f (offset %.4f)" % ( name, old_pos, old_offset, pos, new_offset) self.output(msg)
[docs]class wm(Macro): """Show the position of the specified motors.""" param_def = [ ['motor_list', ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to see where it is']), None, 'List of motor to show'], ]
[docs] def prepare(self, motor_list, **opts): self.table_opts = {}
[docs] def run(self, motor_list): motor_width = 10 motor_names = [] motor_pos = [] show_dial = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.ShowDial) show_ctrlaxis = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.ShowCtrlAxis) pos_format = self.getViewOption(ViewOption.PosFormat) for motor in motor_list: max_len = 0 if show_ctrlaxis: axis_nb = getattr(motor, "axis") ctrl_name = self.getController(motor.controller).name max_len = max(max_len, len(ctrl_name), len(str(axis_nb))) name = motor.getName() max_len = max(max_len, len(name)) max_len = max_len + 5 if max_len < 14: max_len = 14 # Length of 'Not specified' str_fmt = "%c%ds" % ('%', int(max_len)) name = str_fmt % name motor_names.append([name]) posObj = motor.getPositionObj() if pos_format > -1: fmt = '%c.%df' % ('%', int(pos_format)) try: val1 = fmt % motor.getPosition(force=True) val1 = str_fmt % val1 except: val1 = str_fmt % motor.getPosition(force=True) val2 = str_fmt % posObj.getMaxValue() val3 = str_fmt % posObj.getMinValue() if show_ctrlaxis: valctrl = str_fmt % (ctrl_name) valaxis = str_fmt % str(axis_nb) upos = map(str, [valctrl, valaxis, ' ', val2, val1, val3]) else: upos = map(str, ['', val2, val1, val3]) pos_data = upos if show_dial: try: val1 = fmt % motor.getDialPosition(force=True) val1 = str_fmt % val1 except: val1 = str_fmt % motor.getDialPosition(force=True) dPosObj = motor.getDialPositionObj() val2 = str_fmt % dPosObj.getMaxValue() val3 = str_fmt % dPosObj.getMinValue() dpos = map(str, [val2, val1, val3]) pos_data += [''] + dpos motor_pos.append(pos_data) elem_fmt = (['%*s'] + ['%*s'] * 5) * 2 row_head_str = [] if show_ctrlaxis: row_head_str += ['Ctrl', 'Axis'] row_head_str += ['User', ' High', ' Current', ' Low'] if show_dial: row_head_str += ['Dial', ' High', ' Current', ' Low'] table = Table(motor_pos, elem_fmt=elem_fmt, row_head_str=row_head_str, col_head_str=motor_names, col_head_width=motor_width, **self.table_opts) for line in table.genOutput(): self.output(line)
class wum(Macro): """Show the user position of the specified motors.""" param_def = [ ['motor_list', ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to see where it is']), None, 'List of motor to show'], ] def prepare(self, motor_list, **opts): self.table_opts = {} def run(self, motor_list): motor_width = 10 motor_names = [] motor_pos = [] for motor in motor_list: name = motor.getName() motor_names.append([name]) posObj = motor.getPositionObj() upos = map(str, [posObj.getMaxValue(), motor.getPosition( force=True), posObj.getMinValue()]) pos_data = [''] + upos motor_pos.append(pos_data) elem_fmt = (['%*s'] + ['%*s'] * 3) * 2 row_head_str = ['User', ' High', ' Current', ' Low', ] table = Table(motor_pos, elem_fmt=elem_fmt, row_head_str=row_head_str, col_head_str=motor_names, col_head_width=motor_width, **self.table_opts) for line in table.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs]class pwm(Macro): """Show the position of the specified motors in a pretty table""" param_def = [ ['motor_list', ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to move']), None, 'List of motor to show'], ]
[docs] def run(self, motor_list): self.execMacro('wm', motor_list, **Table.PrettyOpts)
[docs]class mv(Macro): """Move motor(s) to the specified position(s)""" param_def = [ ['motor_pos_list', ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to move'], ['pos', Type.Float, None, 'Position to move to']), None, 'List of motor/position pairs'], ]
[docs] def run(self, motor_pos_list): motors, positions = [], [] for m, p in motor_pos_list: motors.append(m) positions.append(p) self.debug("Starting %s movement to %s", m.getName(), p) motion = self.getMotion(motors) state, pos = motion.move(positions) if state != DevState.ON: self.warning("Motion ended in %s", msg = [] for motor in motors: msg.append(motor.information())"\n".join(msg))
[docs]class mstate(Macro): """Prints the state of a motor""" param_def = [['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to check state']]
[docs] def run(self, motor):"Motor %s" % str(motor.getState()))
[docs]class umv(Macro): """Move motor(s) to the specified position(s) and update""" param_def = mv.param_def
[docs] def prepare(self, motor_pos_list, **opts): self.all_names = [] self.all_pos = [] self.print_pos = False for motor, pos in motor_pos_list: self.all_names.append([motor.getName()]) pos, posObj = motor.getPosition(force=True), motor.getPositionObj() self.all_pos.append([pos]) posObj.subscribeEvent(self.positionChanged, motor)
[docs] def run(self, motor_pos_list): self.print_pos = True try: self.execMacro('mv', motor_pos_list) finally: self.finish()
def finish(self): self._clean() self.printAllPos() def _clean(self): for motor, pos in self.getParameters()[0]: posObj = motor.getPositionObj() try: posObj.unsubscribeEvent(self.positionChanged, motor) except Exception, e: print str(e) raise e def positionChanged(self, motor, position): idx = self.all_names.index([motor.getName()]) self.all_pos[idx] = [position] if self.print_pos: self.printAllPos() def printAllPos(self): motor_width = 10 table = Table(self.all_pos, elem_fmt=['%*.4f'], col_head_str=self.all_names, col_head_width=motor_width) self.outputBlock(table.genOutput()) self.flushOutput()
[docs]class mvr(Macro): """Move motor(s) relative to the current position(s)""" param_def = [ ['motor_disp_list', ParamRepeat(['motor', Type.Moveable, None, 'Motor to move'], ['disp', Type.Float, None, 'Relative displacement']), None, 'List of motor/displacement pairs'], ]
[docs] def run(self, motor_disp_list): motor_pos_list = [] for motor, disp in motor_disp_list: pos = motor.getPosition(force=True) if pos is None: self.error("Cannot get %s position" % motor.getName()) return else: pos += disp motor_pos_list.append([motor, pos]) self.execMacro('mv', motor_pos_list)
[docs]class umvr(Macro): """Move motor(s) relative to the current position(s) and update""" param_def = mvr.param_def
[docs] def run(self, motor_disp_list): motor_pos_list = [] for motor, disp in motor_disp_list: pos = motor.getPosition(force=True) if pos is None: self.error("Cannot get %s position" % motor.getName()) return else: pos += disp motor_pos_list.append([motor, pos]) self.execMacro('umv', motor_pos_list)
# TODO: implement tw macro with param repeats in order to be able to pass # multiple motors and multiple deltas. Also allow to pass the integration time # in order to execute the measurement group acquisition after each move and # print the results. Basically follow the SPEC's API: #
[docs]class tw(iMacro): """Tweak motor by variable delta""" param_def = [ ['motor', Type.Moveable, "test", 'Motor to move'], ['delta', Type.Float, None, 'Amount to tweak'] ]
[docs] def run(self, motor, delta): self.output( "Indicate direction with + (or p) or - (or n) or enter") self.output( "new step size. Type something else (or ctrl-C) to quit.") self.output("") if np.sign(delta) == -1: a = "-" if np.sign(delta) == 1: a = "+" while a in ('+', '-', 'p', 'n'): pos = motor.position a = self.input("%s = %s, which way? " % ( motor, pos), default_value=a, data_type=Type.String) try: # check if the input is a new delta delta = float(a) # obtain the sign of the new delta if np.sign(delta) == -1: a = "-" else: a = "+" except: # convert to the common sign if a == "p": a = "+" # convert to the common sign elif a == "n": a = "-" # the sign is already correct, just continue elif a in ("+", "-"): pass else: msg = "Typing '%s' caused 'tw' macro to stop." % a raise StopException() # invert the delta if necessary if (a == "+" and np.sign(delta) < 0) or \ (a == "-" and np.sign(delta) > 0): delta = -delta pos += delta, pos)
########################################################################## # # Data acquisition related macros # ##########################################################################
[docs]class ct(Macro, Hookable): """Count for the specified time on the active measurement group""" env = ('ActiveMntGrp',) hints = {'allowsHooks': ('pre-acq', 'post-acq')} param_def = [ ['integ_time', Type.Float, 1.0, 'Integration time'] ]
[docs] def prepare(self, integ_time, **opts): mnt_grp_name = self.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp') self.mnt_grp = self.getObj( mnt_grp_name, type_class=Type.MeasurementGroup)
[docs] def run(self, integ_time): if self.mnt_grp is None: self.error('ActiveMntGrp is not defined or has invalid value') return # integration time has to be accessible from with in the hooks # so declare it also instance attribute self.integ_time = integ_time self.debug("Counting for %s sec", integ_time) self.outputDate() self.output('') self.flushOutput() for preAcqHook in self.getHooks('pre-acq'): preAcqHook() state, data = self.mnt_grp.count(integ_time) for postAcqHook in self.getHooks('post-acq'): postAcqHook() names, counts = [], [] for ch_info in self.mnt_grp.getChannelsEnabledInfo(): names.append(' %s' % ch_info.label) ch_data = data.get(ch_info.full_name) if ch_data is None: counts.append("<nodata>") elif ch_info.shape > [1]: counts.append(list(ch_data.shape)) else: counts.append(ch_data) self.setData(Record(data)) table = Table([counts], row_head_str=names, row_head_fmt='%*s', col_sep=' = ') for line in table.genOutput(): self.output(line)
[docs]class uct(Macro): """Count on the active measurement group and update""" env = ('ActiveMntGrp',) param_def = [ ['integ_time', Type.Float, 1.0, 'Integration time'] ]
[docs] def prepare(self, integ_time, **opts): self.print_value = False mnt_grp_name = self.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp') self.mnt_grp = self.getObj( mnt_grp_name, type_class=Type.MeasurementGroup) if self.mnt_grp is None: return names = self.mnt_grp.getChannelLabels() self.names = [[n] for n in names] self.channels = [] self.values = [] for channel_info in self.mnt_grp.getChannels(): full_name = channel_info["full_name"] channel = Device(full_name) self.channels.append(channel) value = channel.getValue(force=True) self.values.append([value]) valueObj = channel.getValueObj_() valueObj.subscribeEvent(self.counterChanged, channel)
[docs] def run(self, integ_time): if self.mnt_grp is None: self.error('ActiveMntGrp is not defined or has invalid value') return self.print_value = True try: _, data = self.mnt_grp.count(integ_time) self.setData(Record(data)) finally: self.finish()
def finish(self): self._clean() self.printAllValues() def _clean(self): for channel in self.channels: valueObj = channel.getValueObj_() valueObj.unsubscribeEvent(self.counterChanged, channel) def counterChanged(self, channel, value): idx = self.names.index([channel.getName()]) self.values[idx] = [value] if self.print_value and not self.isStopped(): self.printAllValues() def printAllValues(self): ch_width = 10 table = Table(self.values, elem_fmt=['%*.4f'], col_head_str=self.names, col_head_width=ch_width) self.outputBlock(table.genOutput()) self.flushOutput()
[docs]class settimer(Macro): """Defines the timer channel for the active measurement group""" env = ('ActiveMntGrp',) param_def = [ ['timer', Type.ExpChannel, None, 'Timer'], ]
[docs] def run(self, timer): mnt_grp_name = self.getEnv('ActiveMntGrp') mnt_grp = self.getObj(mnt_grp_name, type_class=Type.MeasurementGroup) if mnt_grp is None: self.error('ActiveMntGrp is not defined or has invalid value.\n' 'please define a valid active measurement group ' 'before setting a timer') return try: mnt_grp.setTimer(timer.getName()) except Exception, e: self.output(str(e)) self.output( "%s is not a valid channel in the active measurement group" % timer)
@macro([['message', ParamRepeat(['message_item', Type.String, None, 'message item to be reported']), None, 'message to be reported']]) def report(self, message): """Logs a new record into the message report system (if active)"""' '.join(message))
[docs]class logmacro(Macro): """ Turn on/off logging of the spock output. .. note:: The logmacro class has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers """ param_def = [ ['offon', Type.Boolean, None, 'Unset/Set logging'], ['mode', Type.Integer, -1, 'Mode: 0 append, 1 new file'], ]
[docs] def run(self, offon, mode): if offon: if mode == 1: self.setEnv('LogMacroMode', True) elif mode == 0: self.setEnv('LogMacroMode', False) self.setEnv('LogMacro', True) else: self.setEnv('LogMacro', False)
[docs]class repeat(Hookable, Macro): """This macro executes as many repetitions of it's body hook macros as specified by nr parameter. If nr parameter has negative value, repetitions will be executed until you stop repeat macro.""" # hints = { 'allowsHooks': ('body', 'break', 'continue') } hints = {'allowsHooks': ('body',)} param_def = [ ['nr', Type.Integer, None, 'Nr of iterations'] ]
[docs] def prepare(self, nr): # self.breakHooks = self.getHooks("break") # self.continueHooks = self.getHooks("continue") self.bodyHooks = self.getHooks("body")
def __loop(self): self.checkPoint() for bodyHook in self.bodyHooks: bodyHook()
[docs] def run(self, nr): if nr < 0: while True: self.__loop() else: for i in range(nr): self.__loop() progress = ((i + 1) / float(nr)) * 100 yield progress