Source code for sardana.macroserver.msmacromanager

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module contains the class definition for the MacroServer macro

__all__ = ["MacroManager", "MacroExecutor", "is_macro"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import re
import os
import sys
import copy
import inspect
import logging
import functools
import traceback
import threading

from lxml import etree

from PyTango import DevFailed

    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
    # For Python < 2.7
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

from taurus.core.util.log import Logger
from taurus.core.util.codecs import CodecFactory

from sardana.sardanadefs import ElementType
from sardana.sardanamodulemanager import ModuleManager
from sardana.sardanaexception import format_exception_only_str
from sardana.sardanautils import is_pure_str, is_non_str_seq

from sardana.macroserver.msmanager import MacroServerManager
from sardana.macroserver.msmetamacro import MACRO_TEMPLATE, MacroLibrary, \
    MacroClass, MacroFunction
from sardana.macroserver.msparameter import ParamDecoder, FlatParamDecoder, \
from sardana.macroserver.macro import Macro, MacroFunc, ExecMacroHook, \
from sardana.macroserver.msexception import UnknownMacroLibrary, \
    LibraryError, UnknownMacro, MissingEnv, AbortException, StopException, \
    MacroServerException, UnknownEnv
from sardana.spock.parser import ParamParser

# These classes are imported from the "client" part of sardana, if finally
# both the client and the server side needs them, place them in some
# common location
from sardana.taurus.core.tango.sardana.macro import createMacroNode

_BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

def islambda(f):
    """inspect doesn't come with islambda so I create one :-P"""
    return inspect.isfunction(f) and \
        f.__name__ == (lambda: True).__name__

def is_macro(macro, abs_file=None, logger=None):
    """Helper function to determine if a certain python object is a valid
    if inspect.isclass(macro):
        if not issubclass(macro, Macro):
            return False
        # if it is a class defined in some other module forget it to
        # avoid replicating the same macro in different macro files
            # use normcase to treat case insensitivity of paths on
            # certain platforms e.g. Windows
            if os.path.normcase(inspect.getabsfile(macro)) !=\
                return False
        except TypeError:
            return False
    elif callable(macro) and not islambda(macro):
        # if it is a function defined in some other module forget it to
        # avoid replicating the same macro in different macro files
            # use normcase to treat case insensitivity of paths on
            # certain platforms e.g. Windows
            if os.path.normcase(inspect.getabsfile(macro)) !=\
                return False
        except TypeError:
            return False

        if not hasattr(macro, 'macro_data'):
            return False

        args, varargs, keywords, _ = inspect.getargspec(macro)
        if len(args) == 0:
            if logger:
                logger.debug("Could not add macro %s: Needs at least one "
                             "parameter (usually called 'self')",
            return False
        if keywords is not None:
            if logger:
                logger.debug("Could not add macro %s: Unsupported keyword "
                             "parameters '%s'", macro.func_name, keywords)
            return False
        if varargs and len(args) > 1:
            if logger:
                logger.debug("Could not add macro %s: Unsupported giving "
                             "named parameters '%s' and varargs '%s'",
                             macro.func_name, args, varargs)
            return False
        return False
    return True

def recur_map(fun, data, keep_none=False):
    """Recursive map. Similar to map, but maintains the list objects structure

    :param fun: <callable> the same purpose as in map function
    :param data: <object> the same purpose as in map function
    :param keep_none: <bool> keep None elements without applying fun
    if hasattr(data, "__iter__"):
        return [recur_map(fun, elem, keep_none) for elem in data]
        if keep_none is True and data is None:
            return data
            return fun(data)

def is_flat_list(obj):
    """Check if a given object is a flat list."""
    if not isinstance(obj, list):
        return False
    for item in obj:
        if isinstance(item, list):
            return False
    return True

[docs]class MacroManager(MacroServerManager): DEFAULT_MACRO_DIRECTORIES = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, 'macros'), def __init__(self, macro_server, macro_path=None): MacroServerManager.__init__(self, macro_server) if macro_path is not None: self.setMacroPath(macro_path) def reInit(self): if self.is_initialized(): return # dict<str, MacroLibrary> # key - module name (without path and without extension) # value - MacroLibrary object representing the module self._modules = {} # dict<str, <MacroClass> # key - macro name # value - MacroClass object representing the macro self._macro_dict = {} # list<str> # elements are absolute paths self._macro_path = [] # dict<Door, <MacroExecutor> # key - door # value - MacroExecutor object for the door self._macro_executors = {} MacroServerManager.reInit(self) def cleanUp(self): if self.is_cleaned(): return # if self._modules: # ModuleManager().unloadModules(self._modules.keys()) self._macro_path = None self._macro_dict = None self._modules = None MacroServerManager.cleanUp(self) def setMacroPath(self, macro_path): """Registers a new list of macro directories in this manager. Warning: as a consequence all the macro modules will be reloaded. This means that if any reference to an old macro object was kept it will refer to an old module (which could possibly generate problems of type class A != class A).""" p = [] for item in macro_path: p.extend(item.split(":")) # filter empty and commented paths p = [i for i in p if i and not i.startswith("#")] # add basic macro directories for macro_dir in self.DEFAULT_MACRO_DIRECTORIES: if macro_dir not in p: p.append(macro_dir) self._macro_path = p macro_file_names = self._findMacroLibNames() for mod_name, file_name in macro_file_names.iteritems(): dir_name = os.path.dirname(file_name) path = [dir_name] try: self.reloadMacroLib(mod_name, path) except: pass def getMacroPath(self): return self._macro_path def _findMacroLibName(self, lib_name, path=None): path = path or self.getMacroPath() f_name = lib_name if not f_name.endswith('.py'): f_name += '.py' for p in path: try: elems = os.listdir(p) if f_name in elems: return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, f_name)) except: self.debug("'%s' is not a valid path" % p) return None def _findMacroLibNames(self, path=None): path = path or self.getMacroPath() ret = OrderedDict() for p in reversed(path): try: for f in os.listdir(p): name, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if name.startswith("_"): continue if ext.endswith('py'): ret[name] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, f)) except: self.debug("'%s' is not a valid path" % p) return ret def _fromNameToFileName(self, lib_name, path=None): path = path or self.getMacroPath()[0] f_name = lib_name if not f_name.endswith('.py'): f_name += '.py' if os.path.isabs(f_name): path, _ = os.path.split(f_name) if not path in self.getMacroPath(): raise Exception("'%s' is not part of the MacroPath" % path) else: f_name = os.path.join(path, f_name) return f_name def getOrCreateMacroLib(self, lib_name, macro_name=None): """Gets the exiting macro lib or creates a new macro lib file. If name is not None, a macro template code for the given macro name is appended to the end of the file. :param lib_name: module name, python file name, or full file name (with path) :type lib_name: str :param macro_name: an optional macro name. If given a macro template code is appended to the end of the file (default is None meaning no macro code is added) :type macro_name: str :return: a sequence with three items: full_filename, code, line number is 0 if no macro is created or n representing the first line of code for the given macro name. :rtype: seq<str, str, int>""" # if only given the module name try: macro_lib = self.getMacroLib(lib_name) except UnknownMacroLibrary: macro_lib = None if macro_name is None: line_nb = 0 if macro_lib is None: f_name, code = self.createMacroLib(lib_name), '' else: f_name = macro_lib.file_path f = file(f_name) code = f.close() else: # if given macro name if macro_lib is None: f_name, code, line_nb = self.createMacro(lib_name, macro_name) else: macro = macro_lib.get_macro(macro_name) if macro is None: f_name, code, line_nb = self.createMacro( lib_name, macro_name) else: _, line_nb = macro.code f_name = macro.file_path f = file(f_name) code = f.close() return [f_name, code, line_nb] def setMacroLib(self, lib_name, code, auto_reload=True): f_name = self._fromNameToFileName(lib_name) f = open(f_name, 'w') f.write(code) f.flush() f.close() _, name = os.path.split(f_name) mod, _ = os.path.splitext(name) if auto_reload: self.reloadMacroLib(mod) return mod def createMacroLib(self, lib_name, path=None): """Creates a new empty macro library (python module)""" f_name = self._fromNameToFileName(lib_name, path) if os.path.exists(f_name): raise Exception( "Unable to create macro lib: '%s' already exists" % f_name) f = open(f_name, 'w') f.close() return f_name def createMacro(self, lib_name, macro_name): f_name = self._fromNameToFileName(lib_name) create = not os.path.exists(f_name) template = '' if create: template += 'from sardana.macroserver.macro import Macro, macro, Type\n\n' line_nb = 4 else: template += '\n' t = open(f_name, 'rU') line_nb = -1 for line_nb, _ in enumerate(t): pass line_nb += 3 t.close() f = open(f_name, 'a+') f_templ = None try: dir_name = os.path.realpath(__file__) dir_name = os.path.dirname(dir_name) template_fname = 'macro_template.txt' template_fname = os.path.join(dir_name, template_fname) f_templ = open(template_fname, 'r') template += f_templ.close() except: self.debug( "Failed to open template macro file. Using simplified template") template += MACRO_TEMPLATE if f_templ: f_templ.close() template = template.replace('@macro_name@', macro_name) try: f.write(template) f.flush() code = finally: f.close() return f_name, code, line_nb def reloadMacro(self, macro_name, path=None): """Reloads the module corresponding to the given macro name :raises: MacroServerExceptionList in case the macro is unknown or the reload process is not successful :param macro_name: macro name :param path: a list of absolute path to search for libraries (optional, default=None, means the current MacroPath will be used)""" self.reloadMacros([macro_name], path=path) def reloadMacros(self, macro_names, path=None): """Reloads the modules corresponding to the given macro names :raises: MacroServerExceptionList in case the macro(s) are unknown or the reload process is not successful :param macro_names: a list of macro names :param path: a list of absolute path to search for libraries (optional, default=None, means the current MacroPath will be used)""" module_names = [] for macro_name in macro_names: module_name = self.getMacro(macro_name).module_name module_names.append(module_name) self.reloadMacroLibs(module_names, path=path) def reloadMacroLibs(self, module_names, path=None): """Reloads the given lib(=module) names :raises: MacroServerExceptionList in case the reload process is not successful for at least one library :param module_names: a list of module names :param path: a list of absolute path to search for libraries (optional, default=None, means the current MacroPath will be used)""" ret = [] for module_name in module_names: m = self.reloadMacroLib(module_name, path=path) if m: ret.append(m) return ret def reloadLib(self, module_name, path=None): """Reloads the given library(=module) names. :raises: LibraryError if trying to reload a macro library :param module_name: module name :param path: a list of absolute path to search for libraries [default: None. Search in sys.path.] :return: the reloaded python module object""" if module_name in self._modules: raise LibraryError("Cannot use simple " + "reload to reload a Macro Library") mod_manager = ModuleManager() return mod_manager.reloadModule(module_name, path=None) def reloadMacroLib(self, module_name, path=None): """Reloads the given library(=module) names. :raises: LibraryError in case the reload process is not successful :param module_name: macro library name (=python module name) :param path: a list of absolute path to search for libraries [default: None, means the current MacroPath will be used] :return: the MacroLibrary object for the reloaded macro library""" path = path or self.getMacroPath() # reverse the path order: # more priority elements last. This way if there are repeated elements # they first ones (lower priority) will be overwritten by the last ones if path: path = copy.copy(path) path.reverse() mod_manager = ModuleManager() m, exc_info = None, None valid, exc_info = mod_manager.isValidModule(module_name, path) if not valid: params = dict(module=m, name=module_name, macro_server=self.macro_server, exc_info=exc_info) return MacroLibrary(**params) # if there was previous Macro Library info remove it old_macro_lib = self._modules.pop(module_name, None) if old_macro_lib is not None: for macro in old_macro_lib.get_macros(): self._macro_dict.pop( try: m = mod_manager.reloadModule(module_name, path) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() macro_lib = None params = dict(module=m, name=module_name, macro_server=self.macro_server, exc_info=exc_info) # Dictionary for gathering macros with errors macro_errors = {} count_correct_macros = 0 count_incorrect_macros = 0 if m is None: file_name = self._findMacroLibName(module_name) if file_name is None: if exc_info: msg = format_exception_only_str(*exc_info[:2]) else: msg = "Error (re)loading macro library '%s'" % module_name raise LibraryError(msg, exc_info=exc_info) params['file_path'] = file_name macro_lib = MacroLibrary(**params) else: macro_lib = MacroLibrary(**params) abs_file = macro_lib.file_path _is_macro = functools.partial(is_macro, abs_file=abs_file, logger=self) for _, macro in inspect.getmembers(m, _is_macro): try: self.addMacro(macro_lib, macro) count_correct_macros += 1 except Exception as e: count_incorrect_macros += 1 self.error("Error adding macro %s", macro.__name__) self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) macro_errors[macro.__name__] = str(e) try: if macro_lib.has_macros(): self._modules[module_name] = macro_lib return macro_lib finally: if macro_errors: msg = "" for key, value in macro_errors.iteritems(): msg_part = ("\n" + "Error adding macro(s): " + key + "\n" + "It presents an error: \n" + str(value)) msg += str(msg_part) + "\n" correct_macros = ("%d macro(s) correctly loaded" % count_correct_macros) incorrect_macros = ("%d macro(s) could not be loaded" % count_incorrect_macros) msg = (msg + "\n" + "Summary:" + "\n" + correct_macros + "\n" + incorrect_macros + "\n") if count_correct_macros == 0: msg += "\nUse addmaclib to reload the corrected macro(s)\n" if count_correct_macros != 0: msg += "\nUse relmaclib to reload the corrected macro(s)\n" raise Exception(msg) def addMacro(self, macro_lib, macro): add = self.addMacroFunction if inspect.isclass(macro): add = self.addMacroClass return add(macro_lib, macro) def addMacroClass(self, macro_lib, klass): macro_name = klass.__name__ action = (macro_lib.has_macro(macro_name) and "Updating") or "Adding" self.debug("%s macro class %s" % (action, macro_name)) params = dict(macro_server=self.macro_server, lib=macro_lib, klass=klass) macro_class = MacroClass(**params) macro_lib.add_macro_class(macro_class) self._macro_dict[macro_name] = macro_class def addMacroFunction(self, macro_lib, func): macro_name = func.func_name action = (macro_lib.has_macro(macro_name) and "Updating") or "Adding" self.debug("%s macro function %s" % (action, macro_name)) params = dict(macro_server=self.macro_server, lib=macro_lib, function=func) macro_function = MacroFunction(**params) macro_lib.add_macro_function(macro_function) self._macro_dict[macro_name] = macro_function def getMacroLibNames(self): return sorted(self._modules.keys()) def getMacroLibs(self, filter=None): if filter is None: return self._modules expr = re.compile(filter, re.IGNORECASE) ret = {} for name, macro_lib in self._modules.iteritems(): if expr.match(name) is None: continue ret[name] = macro_lib return ret def getMacros(self, filter=None): """Returns a :obj:`dict` containing information about macros. :param filter: a regular expression for macro names [default: None, meaning all macros] :type filter: str :return: a :obj:`dict` containing information about macros :rtype: :obj:`dict`\<:obj:`str`\, :class:`~sardana.macroserver.msmetamacro.MacroCode`\>""" if filter is None: return self._macro_dict expr = re.compile(filter, re.IGNORECASE) ret = {} for name, macro in self._macro_dict.iteritems(): if expr.match(name) is None: continue ret[name] = macro return ret def getMacroClasses(self, filter=None): """Returns a :obj:`dict` containing information about macro classes. :param filter: a regular expression for macro names [default: None, meaning all macros] :type filter: str :return: a :obj:`dict` containing information about macro classes :rtype: :obj:`dict`\<:obj:`str`\, :class:`~sardana.macroserver.msmetamacro.MacroClass`\>""" macros = self.getMacros(filter=filter) macro_classes = {} for name, macro in macros.items(): if macro.get_type() == ElementType.MacroClass: macro_classes[name] = macro return macro_classes def getMacroFunctions(self, filter=None): """Returns a :obj:`dict` containing information about macro functions. :param filter: a regular expression for macro names [default: None, meaning all macros] :type filter: str :return: a :obj:`dict` containing information about macro functions :rtype: :obj:`dict`\<:obj:`str`\, :class:`~sardana.macroserver.msmetamacro.MacroFunction`\>""" macros = self.getMacros(filter=filter) macro_classes = {} for name, macro in macros.items(): if macro.get_type() == ElementType.MacroFunction: macro_classes[name] = macro return macro_classes def getMacroNames(self): return sorted(self._macro_dict.keys()) def getMacro(self, macro_name): ret = self._macro_dict.get(macro_name) if ret is None: raise UnknownMacro("Unknown macro %s" % macro_name) return ret def getMacroClass(self, macro_name): return self.getMacro(macro_name) def getMacroFunction(self, macro_name): return self.getMacro(macro_name) def removeMacro(self, macro_name): self._macro_dict.pop(macro_name) def getMacroLib(self, name): if os.path.isabs(name): abs_file_name = name for lib in self._modules.values(): if lib.file_path == abs_file_name: return lib elif name.count(os.path.extsep): file_name = name for lib in self._modules.values(): if lib.file_name == file_name: return lib module_name = name ret = self._modules.get(module_name) if ret is None: raise UnknownMacroLibrary("Unknown macro library %s" % module_name) return ret def getMacroCode(self, macro_name): return self.getMacro(macro_name).code_object def getMacroClassCode(self, macro_name): return self.getMacroClass(macro_name).klass def getMacroFunctionCode(self, macro_name): return self.getMacroFunction(macro_name).function def getMacroInfo(self, macro_names, format='json'): if isinstance(macro_names, (str, unicode)): macro_names = [macro_names] ret = [] json_codec = CodecFactory().getCodec(format) for macro_name in macro_names: macro_meta = self.getMacro(macro_name) ret.append(json_codec.encode(('', macro_meta.serialize()))[1]) return ret def _createMacroNode(self, macro_name, macro_params): macro = self.getMacro(macro_name) params_def = macro.get_parameter() return createMacroNode(macro_name, params_def, macro_params) def decodeMacroParameters(self, door, raw_params): """Decode macro parameters :param door: (sardana.macroserver.msdoor.MSDoor) door object :param raw_params: (lxml.etree._Element or list) xml element representing macro with subelements representing parameters or list with macro name followed by parameter values """ if isinstance(raw_params, etree._Element): macro_name = raw_params.get("name") elif isinstance(raw_params, list): # leave only macro parameters in the list macro_name = raw_params.pop(0) else: raise Exception("Wrong format of raw_params object") macro_meta = self.getMacro(macro_name) params_def = macro_meta.get_parameter() type_manager = door.type_manager try: out_par_list = ParamDecoder(type_manager, params_def, raw_params) except WrongParam, out_e: # only if raw params are passed as a list e.g. using macro API # execMacro("mv", mot01, 0.0) and parameters definition allows to # decode it from a flat list we give it a try if (is_flat_list(raw_params) and FlatParamDecoder.isPossible(params_def)): self.debug("Trying flat parameter decoder due to: %s" % out_e) try: out_par_list = FlatParamDecoder(type_manager, params_def, raw_params) except WrongParam, in_e: msg = ("Either of: %s or %s made it impossible to decode" " parameters" % (out_e.message, in_e.message)) raise WrongParam, msg else: raise out_e return macro_meta, raw_params, out_par_list def strMacroParamValues(self, par_list): """strMacroParamValues(list<string> par_list) -> list<string> Creates a short string representantion of the parameter values list. Params: - par_list: list of strings representing the parameter values. Return: a list containning an abreviated version of the par_list argument. """ ret = [] for p in par_list: param_str = str(p) if len(param_str) > 9: param_str = param_str[:9] + "..." ret.append(param_str) return ret def prepareMacro(self, macro_class, par_list, init_opts={}, prepare_opts={}): """Creates the macro object and calls its prepare method. The return value is a tuple (MacroObject, return value of prepare) """ macro = self.createMacroObj(macro_class, par_list, init_opts=init_opts) prepare_result = self.prepareMacroObj( macro, par_list, prepare_opts=prepare_opts) return macro, prepare_result def createMacroObj(self, macro_class, par_list, init_opts={}): macro_env = macro_class.env macro_name = macro_class.__name__ environment = init_opts.get('environment') r = [] for env in macro_env: if not environment.has_env(env): r.append(env) if r: raise MissingEnv("The macro %s requires the following missing " "environment to be defined: %s" % (macro_name, str(r))) macro_opts = { 'no_exec': True, 'create_thread': True, 'external_prepare': True } macro_opts.update(init_opts) macroObj = macro_class(*par_list, **macro_opts) return macroObj def prepareMacroObj(self, macro, par_list, prepare_opts={}): return macro.prepare(*par_list, **prepare_opts) def createMacroObjFromMeta(self, meta, par_list, init_opts={}): code = meta.code_object macro_env = code.env or () environment = init_opts.get('environment') r = [] for env in macro_env: if not environment.has_env(env): r.append(env) if r: macro_name = raise MissingEnv("The macro %s requires the following missing " "environment to be defined: %s" % (macro_name, str(r))) macro_opts = dict(no_exec=True, create_thread=True, external_prepare=True) macro_opts.update(init_opts) if meta.get_type() == ElementType.MacroClass: macroObj = meta.macro_class(*par_list, **macro_opts) else: macro_opts['function'] = code macroObj = MacroFunc(*par_list, **macro_opts) return macroObj def getMacroExecutor(self, door): me = self._macro_executors.get(door) if me is None: self._macro_executors[door] = me = MacroExecutor(door) return me
class LogMacroManager(object): """Manage user-oriented macro logging to a file. It is configurable with LogMacro, LogMacroMode, LogMacroFormat and LogMacroDir environment variables. .. note:: The LogMacroManager class has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. """ DEFAULT_DIR = os.path.join(os.sep, "tmp") DEFAULT_FMT = "%(levelname)-8s %(asctime)s %(name)s: %(message)s" DEFAULT_MODE = 0 def __init__(self, macro_obj): self._macro_obj = macro_obj self._file_handler = None self._enabled = False def enable(self): """Enable macro logging only if the following requirements are fulfilled: * this is the top-most macro * macro logging is enabled by user :return: True or False, depending if logging was enabled or not :rtype: boolean """ macro_obj = self._macro_obj executor = macro_obj.executor door = macro_obj.door # enable logging only for the top-most macros if macro_obj.getParentMacro() is not None: return False # enable logging only if configured by user try: enabled = macro_obj.getEnv("LogMacro") except UnknownEnv: return False if not enabled: return False try: logging_mode = macro_obj.getEnv("LogMacroMode") except UnknownEnv: logging_mode = self.DEFAULT_MODE try: logging_path = macro_obj.getEnv("LogMacroDir") except UnknownEnv: logging_path = self.DEFAULT_DIR macro_obj.setEnv("LogMacroDir", logging_path) door_name = # Cleaning name in case alias does not exist door_name = door_name.replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_") file_name = "session_" + door_name + ".log" log_file = os.path.join(logging_path, file_name) if logging_mode: bck_counts = 100 else: bck_counts = 0 self._file_handler = file_handler = \ logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, backupCount=bck_counts) file_handler.doRollover() try: format_to_set = macro_obj.getEnv("LogMacroFormat") except UnknownEnv: format_to_set = self.DEFAULT_FMT log_format = logging.Formatter(format_to_set) file_handler.setFormatter(log_format) # attach the same handler to two different loggers due to # lack of hierarchy between them (see: sardana-org/sardana#703) macro_obj.addLogHandler(file_handler) executor.addLogHandler(file_handler) self._enabled = True return True def disable(self): """Disable macro logging only if it was enabled before. :return: True or False, depending if logging was disabled or not :rtype: boolean """ if not self._enabled: return False macro_obj = self._macro_obj executor = macro_obj.executor file_handler = self._file_handler macro_obj.removeLogHandler(file_handler) executor.removeLogHandler(file_handler) return True
[docs]class MacroExecutor(Logger): """ """ class RunSubXMLHook: def __init__(self, me, xml): self._me = me self._xml = xml def __call__(self): self._me._runXMLMacro(xml=self._xml) def __init__(self, door): self._door = door self._macro_counter = 0 # dict<PoolElement, set<Macro>> # key PoolElement - reserved object # value set<Macro> macros that reserved the object self._reserved_objs = {} # dict<Macro, seq<PoolElement>> # key Macro - macro object # value - sequence of reserverd objects by the macro self._reserved_macro_objs = {} # reset the stacks # self._macro_stack = None # self._xml_stack = None self._macro_stack = [] self._xml_stack = [] self._macro_pointer = None self._aborted = False self._stopped = False self._paused = False self._last_macro_status = None # threading events for synchronization of stopping/abortting of # reserved objects self._stop_done = None self._abort_done = None name = "%s.%s" % (str(door), self.__class__.__name__) self._macro_status_codec = CodecFactory().getCodec('json') self.call__init__(Logger, name) def getDoor(self): return self._door door = property(getDoor) def getMacroServer(self): return self.door.macro_server macro_server = property(getMacroServer) @property def macro_manager(self): return self.macro_server.macro_manager def getGeneralHooks(self): """Get data structure containing definition of the general hooks. .. note:: The `general_hooks` has been included in Sardana on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including its removal) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. .. todo:: General hooks should reflect the state of configuration at the macro/sequence start. """ try: return self.door.get_env("_GeneralHooks")["_GeneralHooks"] except KeyError: return [] general_hooks = property(getGeneralHooks) def getNewMacroID(self): self._macro_counter -= 1 return self._macro_counter def _createMacroNode(self, macro_name, macro_params): return self.macro_manager._createMacroNode(macro_name, macro_params) def _preprocessParameters(self, par_str_list): if not par_str_list[0].lstrip().startswith('<'): xml_root = xml_seq = etree.Element('sequence') macro_name = par_str_list[0] macro_params = par_str_list[1:] macro_node = self._createMacroNode(macro_name, macro_params) xml_macro = macro_node.toXml() xml_seq.append(xml_macro) else: xml_root = etree.fromstring(par_str_list[0]) macro_nodes = xml_root.findall('.//macro') # make sure macros exist self.__checkXMLSequence(macro_nodes) # fill the xml with macro id macro_line self.__fillXMLSequence(macro_nodes) return xml_root def __checkXMLSequence(self, macros): for macro in macros: name = macro.get('name') self.macro_manager.getMacro(name) def __fillXMLSequence(self, macros): for macro in macros: eid = macro.get('id') if eid is None: eid = str(self.getNewMacroID()) macro.set('id', eid) def __preprocessResult(self, result): """decodes the given output from a macro in order to be able to send to the result channel as a sequence<str> :param out: output value :return: the output as a sequence of strings """ if result is None: return () if is_non_str_seq(result): result = map(str, result) else: result = (str(result),) return result def _decodeMacroParameters(self, params): return self.macro_manager.decodeMacroParameters(self.door, params) def _composeMacroLine(self, macro_name, macro_params, macro_id): # recursive map to maintain the list objects structure params_str_list = recur_map(str, macro_params) # plain map to be able to perform join (only strings may be joined) params_str_list = map(str, params_str_list) params_str = ', '.join(params_str_list) macro_id = macro_id # create macro_line - string representation of macro, its parameters # and id macro_line = "%s(%s) -> %s" % (macro_name, params_str, macro_id) return macro_line def _prepareGeneralHooks(self, macro_obj): if not isinstance(macro_obj, Hookable): return general_hooks = self.general_hooks if len(general_hooks) == 0: return for hook_info_raw, hook_places in general_hooks: hook_info = ParamParser().parse(hook_info_raw) hook = ExecMacroHook(macro_obj, hook_info) macro_obj.appendHook((hook, hook_places)) def _prepareXMLMacro(self, xml_macro, parent_macro=None): macro_meta, _, macro_params = self._decodeMacroParameters(xml_macro) macro_name = macro_id = xml_macro.get("id") macro_line = self._composeMacroLine(macro_name, macro_params, macro_id) init_opts = { 'id': macro_id, 'macro_line': macro_line, 'parent_macro': parent_macro, } macro_obj = self._createMacroObj(macro_meta, macro_params, init_opts) self._prepareGeneralHooks(macro_obj) for macro in xml_macro.findall('macro'): hook = MacroExecutor.RunSubXMLHook(self, macro) hook_hints = macro.findall('hookPlace') if hook_hints is None: macro_obj.appendHook((hook, [])) else: hook_places = [h.text for h in hook_hints] macro_obj.appendHook((hook, hook_places)) prepare_result = self._prepareMacroObj(macro_obj, macro_params) return macro_obj, prepare_result def _createMacroObj(self, macro_name_or_meta, pars, init_opts={}): macro_meta = macro_name_or_meta if isinstance(macro_meta, (str, unicode)): macro_meta = self.macro_manager.getMacro(macro_meta) macro_opts = { 'executor': self, 'environment': self.macro_server } macro_opts.update(init_opts) if not macro_opts.has_key('id'): macro_opts['id'] = str(self.getNewMacroID()) macroObj = self.macro_manager.createMacroObjFromMeta(macro_meta, pars, init_opts=macro_opts) return macroObj def _prepareMacroObj(self, macro_obj, pars, prepare_opts={}): return self.macro_manager.prepareMacroObj(macro_obj, pars, prepare_opts=prepare_opts) def prepareMacroObj(self, macro_name_or_meta, pars, init_opts={}, prepare_opts={}): """Prepare a new macro for execution :param macro_name_or_meta name: name of the macro to be prepared or the macro meta itself :param pars: list of parameter objects :param init_opts: keyword parameters for the macro constructor :param prepare_opts: keyword parameters for the macro prepare :return: a tuple of two elements: macro object, the result of preparing the macro""" macroObj = self._createMacroObj( macro_name_or_meta, pars, init_opts=init_opts) prepare_result = self._prepareMacroObj( macroObj, pars, prepare_opts=prepare_opts) return macroObj, prepare_result def prepareMacro(self, pars, init_opts={}, prepare_opts={}): """Prepare a new macro for execution Several different parameter formats are supported: 1. several parameters: 1.1 executor.prepareMacro('ascan', 'th', '0', '100', '10', '1.0') executor.prepareMacro('mv', [['th', '0']]) executor.prepareMacro('mv', 'th', '0') # backwards compatibility - see note 1.2 executor.prepareMacro('ascan', 'th', 0, 100, 10, 1.0) executor.prepareMacro('mv', [['th', 0]]) executor.prepareMacro('mv', 'th', 0) # backwards compatibility - see note 1.3 th = self.getObj('th'); executor.prepareMacro('ascan', th, 0, 100, 10, 1.0) executor.prepareMacro('mv', [[th, 0]]) executor.prepareMacro('mv', th, 0) # backwards compatibility - see note 2. a sequence of parameters: 2.1 executor.prepareMacro(['ascan', 'th', '0', '100', '10', '1.0') executor.prepareMacro(['mv', [['th', '0']]]) executor.prepareMacro(['mv', 'th', '0']) # backwards compatibility - see note 2.2 executor.prepareMacro(('ascan', 'th', 0, 100, 10, 1.0)) executor.prepareMacro(['mv', [['th', 0]]]) executor.prepareMacro(['mv', 'th', 0]) # backwards compatibility - see note 2.3 th = self.getObj('th'); executor.prepareMacro(['ascan', th, 0, 100, 10, 1.0]) executor.prepareMacro(['mv', [[th, 0]]]) executor.prepareMacro(['mv', th, 0]) # backwards compatibility - see note 3. a space separated string of parameters (this is not compatible with multiple or nested repeat parameters, furthermore the repeat parameter must be the last one): executor.prepareMacro('ascan th 0 100 10 1.0') executor.prepareMacro('mv %s 0' % motor.getName()) .. note:: From Sardana 2.0 the repeat parameter values must be passed as lists of items. An item of a repeat parameter containing more than one member is a list. In case when a macro defines only one repeat parameter and it is the last parameter, for the backwards compatibility reasons, the plain list of items' members is allowed. :param pars: the command parameters as explained above :param opts: keyword optional parameters for prepare :return: a tuple of two elements: macro object, the result of preparing the macro """ par0 = pars[0] if len(pars) == 1: if is_pure_str(par0): # dealing with sth like args = ('ascan th 0 100 10 1.0',) pars = par0.split() macro_name, macro_params = pars[0], pars[1:] macro_node = self._createMacroNode(macro_name, macro_params) pars = macro_node.toList() elif is_non_str_seq(par0): # dealing with sth like args = (['ascan', 'th', '0', '100', '10', '1.0'],) # or args = (['mv', [[mot01, 0], [mot02, 0]]]) pars = par0 # dealing with sth like args = ('ascan', 'th', '0', '100', '10', '1.0') # or args = ('mv', [[mot01, 0], [mot02, 0]]) # in case parameters were passed as objects cast them to strings # but maintain None's to be able to discover missing params pars = recur_map(str, pars, keep_none=True) meta_macro, _, macro_params = self._decodeMacroParameters(pars) macro_name = macro_id = init_opts.get("id") if macro_id is None: init_opts["id"] = macro_id macro_line = self._composeMacroLine(macro_name, macro_params, macro_id) init_opts['macro_line'] = macro_line macro_obj, prepare_result = self.prepareMacroObj(meta_macro, macro_params, init_opts, prepare_opts) self._prepareGeneralHooks(macro_obj) return macro_obj, prepare_result def getRunningMacro(self): return self._macro_pointer def clearRunningMacro(self): """Clear pointer to the running macro. ..warning:: Do not call it while the macro is running. """ self._macro_pointer = None def __stopObjects(self): """Stops all the reserved objects in the executor""" for _, objs in self._reserved_macro_objs.items(): for obj in objs: try: obj.stop() except AttributeError: pass except: self.warning("Unable to stop %s" % obj) self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) def __abortObjects(self): """Aborts all the reserved objects in the executor""" for _, objs in self._reserved_macro_objs.items(): for obj in objs: try: obj.abort() except AttributeError: pass except: self.warning("Unable to abort %s" % obj) self.debug("Details:", exc_info=1) def _setStopDone(self, _): self._stop_done.set() def _waitStopDone(self, timeout=None): self._stop_done.wait(timeout) def _setAbortDone(self, _): self._abort_done.set() def _waitAbortDone(self, timeout=None): self._abort_done.wait(timeout) def abort(self): self.macro_server.add_job(self._abort, self._setAbortDone) def stop(self): self.macro_server.add_job(self._stop, self._setStopDone) def _abort(self): m = self.getRunningMacro() if m is not None: self._aborted = True m.abort() self.__abortObjects() def _stop(self): m = self.getRunningMacro() if m is not None: self._stopped = True m.stop() if m.isPaused(): m.resume(cb=self._macroResumed) self.__stopObjects() def pause(self): self._paused = True m = self.getRunningMacro() if m is not None: m.pause(cb=self._macroPaused) def _macroPaused(self, m): """Calback that is executed when the macro has efectively paused""" self.sendMacroStatusPause() self.sendState(Macro.Pause) def resume(self): if not self._paused: return self._paused = False m = self.getRunningMacro() if m is not None: m.resume(cb=self._macroResumed) def _macroResumed(self, m): """Callback that is executed when the macro has effectively resumed execution after being paused""" self.sendMacroStatusResume() self.sendState(Macro.Running) def run(self, params, asynch=True): """Runs the given macro(s) :param params: (sequence<str>) can be either a sequence of <macro name> [, <macro_parameter> ] or a sequence with a single element which represents the xml string for a macro script :return: (lxml.etree.Element) the xml representation of the running macro """ # dict<PoolElement, set<Macro>> # key PoolElement - reserved object # value set<Macro> macros that reserved the object self._reserved_objs = {} # dict<Macro, seq<PoolElement>> # key Macro - macro object # value - sequence of reserved objects by the macro self._reserved_macro_objs = {} # reset the stacks self._macro_stack = [] self._xml_stack = [] self._macro_pointer = None self._stop_done = threading.Event() self._abort_done = threading.Event() self._aborted = False self._stopped = False self._paused = False self._last_macro_status = None # convert given parameters into an xml self._xml = self._preprocessParameters(params) if asynch: # start the job of actually running the macro self.macro_server.add_job(self.__runXML, self._jobEnded) # return the proper xml return self._xml else: self.__runXML() # return self._macro_pointer.getResult() def _jobEnded(self, *args, **kw): self.debug("Job ended (stopped=%s, aborted=%s)", self._stopped, self._aborted) def __runXML(self): self.sendState(Macro.Running) try: self.__runStatelessXML() self.sendState(Macro.Finished) except (StopException, AbortException): self.sendState(Macro.Abort) except Exception: self.sendState(Macro.Exception) finally: self._macro_stack = None self._xml_stack = None def __runStatelessXML(self, xml=None): if xml is None: xml = self._xml node = xml.tag if node == 'sequence': for xml_macro in xml.findall('macro'): self.__runXMLMacro(xml_macro) elif node == 'macro': self.__runXMLMacro(xml) def __runXMLMacro(self, xml): assert xml.tag == 'macro' try: macro_obj, _ = self._prepareXMLMacro(xml) except AbortException as ae: raise ae except Exception as e: door = self.door door.error("Error: %s", str(e)) door.debug("Error details:", exc_info=1) raise e self._xml_stack.append(xml) try: self.runMacro(macro_obj) finally: self._xml_stack.pop() _runXMLMacro = __runXMLMacro def runMacro(self, macro_obj): name = macro_obj._getName() desc = macro_obj._getDescription() door = self.door log_macro_manager = LogMacroManager(macro_obj) log_macro_manager.enable() if self._aborted: self.sendMacroStatusAbort() raise AbortException("aborted between macros (before %s)" % name) elif self._stopped: self.sendMacroStatusStop() raise StopException("stopped between macros (before %s)" % name) macro_exp, tb, result = None, None, None try: self.debug("[START] runMacro %s" % desc) self._macro_pointer = macro_obj self._macro_stack.append(macro_obj) for step in macro_obj.exec_(): self.sendMacroStatus((step,)) result = macro_obj.getResult() # sending result only if we are the top most macro if macro_obj.hasResult() and macro_obj.getParentMacro() is None: result_repr = self.__preprocessResult(result) door.debug("sending result %s", result_repr) self.sendResult(result_repr) except AbortException as ae: macro_exp = ae except StopException as se: macro_exp = se except MacroServerException as mse: exc_info = sys.exc_info() macro_exp = mse if not mse.traceback: mse.traceback = traceback.format_exc() except DevFailed as df: exc_info = sys.exc_info() exp_pars = {'type': df[0].reason, 'msg': df[0].desc, 'args': df.args, 'traceback': traceback.format_exc()} macro_exp = MacroServerException(exp_pars) except Exception, err: exc_info = sys.exc_info() exp_pars = {'type': err.__class__.__name__, 'msg': str(err), 'args': err.args, 'traceback': traceback.format_exc()} macro_exp = MacroServerException(exp_pars) finally: self.returnObjs(self._macro_pointer) # make sure the macro's on_abort is called and that a proper macro # status is sent if self._stopped: self._waitStopDone() macro_obj._stopOnError() self.sendMacroStatusStop() elif self._aborted: self._waitAbortDone() macro_obj._abortOnError() self.sendMacroStatusAbort() # From this point on don't call any method of macro_obj which is part # of the mAPI (methods decorated with @mAPI) to avoid throwing an # AbortException if an Abort has been performed. if macro_exp is not None: if not self._stopped and not self._aborted: self.sendMacroStatusException(exc_info) self.debug("[ENDEX] (%s) runMacro %s" % (macro_exp.__class__.__name__, name)) if isinstance(macro_exp, MacroServerException): if macro_obj.parent_macro is None: door.debug(macro_exp.traceback) door.error("An error occurred while running %s:\n%s" % (macro_obj.description, macro_exp.msg)) self._popMacro() raise macro_exp self.debug("[ END ] runMacro %s" % desc) self._popMacro() # decide whether to preserve the macro data env_var_name = 'PreserveMacroData' try: preserve_macro_data = macro_obj.getEnv(env_var_name) except UnknownEnv: preserve_macro_data = True if not preserve_macro_data: self.debug('Macro data will not be preserved. ' + 'Set "%s" environment variable ' % env_var_name + 'to True in order to change it.') self._macro_pointer = None log_macro_manager.disable() return result def _popMacro(self): self._macro_stack.pop() length = len(self._macro_stack) if length > 0: self._macro_pointer = self._macro_stack[-1] def sendState(self, state): return self.door.set_state(state) def sendStatus(self, status): return self.door.set_status(status) def sendResult(self, result): return self.door.set_result(result) def getLastMacroStatus(self): return self._macro_pointer._getMacroStatus() def sendMacroStatusFinish(self): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None: ms['state'] = 'finish' self.debug("Sending finish event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatusStop(self): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None: ms['state'] = 'stop' self.debug("Sending stop event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatusAbort(self): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None: ms['state'] = 'abort' self.debug("Sending abort event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatusException(self, exc_info): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None: ms['state'] = 'exception' ms['exc_type'] = str(exc_info[0]) ms['exc_value'] = str(exc_info[1]) ms['exc_stack'] = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info) self.debug("Sending exception event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatusPause(self): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None and len(ms) > 0: ms['state'] = 'pause' self.debug("Sending pause event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatusResume(self): ms = self.getLastMacroStatus() if ms is not None and len(ms) > 0: ms['state'] = 'resume' self.debug("Sending resume event") self.sendMacroStatus((ms,)) def sendMacroStatus(self, data): self._last_macro_status = data #data = self._macro_status_codec.encode(('', data)) return self.door.set_macro_status(data) def sendRecordData(self, data, codec=None): return self.door.set_record_data(data, codec=codec) def reserveObj(self, obj, macro_obj, priority=0): if obj is None or macro_obj is None: return # Fill _reserved_macro_objs objs = self._reserved_macro_objs[macro_obj] = \ self._reserved_macro_objs.get(macro_obj, list()) if obj not in objs: if priority: objs.insert(0, obj) else: objs.append(obj) # Fill _reserved_objs macros = self._reserved_objs[obj] = self._reserved_objs.get(obj, set()) macros.add(macro_obj) # Tell the object that it is reserved by a new macro if hasattr(obj, 'reserve'): obj.reserve(macro_obj) def returnObjs(self, macro_obj): """Free the macro reserved objects""" if macro_obj is None: return objs = self._reserved_macro_objs.get(macro_obj) if objs is None: return # inside returnObj we change the list so we have to iterate with a copy for obj in copy.copy(objs): self.returnObj(obj, macro_obj) def returnObj(self, obj, macro_obj): """Free an object reserved by a macro""" if obj is None or macro_obj is None: return if hasattr(obj, 'unreserve'): obj.unreserve() objs = self._reserved_macro_objs.get(macro_obj) if objs is None: return objs.remove(obj) if len(objs) == 0: del self._reserved_macro_objs[macro_obj] try: macros = self._reserved_objs[obj] macros.remove(macro_obj) if not len(macros): del self._reserved_objs[obj] except KeyError: self.debug("Unexpected KeyError trying to remove reserved object")