Source code for sardana.macroserver.mstypemanager

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module contains the definition of the macroserver data type manager"""

__all__ = ["TypeManager"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import os
import inspect

from sardana.sardanamodulemanager import ModuleManager

from sardana.macroserver.msparameter import Type, ParamType, AbstractParamTypes
from sardana.macroserver.msmanager import MacroServerManager

_BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]class TypeManager(MacroServerManager): DEFAULT_TYPE_DIR = _BASE_DIR DEFAULT_TYPE_MODULES = 'basetypes', def reInit(self): if self.is_initialized(): return # dict<str, dict<str,class<ParamType>> # key - module name (without path and without extension) # value - a dict where: # key - type name # value - class object implementing the Type self._modules = {} # dict<str, ParamType> # key - type name # value - object which inherits from ParamType self._inst_dict = {} path = [self.DEFAULT_TYPE_DIR] for type_module in self.DEFAULT_TYPE_MODULES: self.reloadTypeModule(type_module, path=path) MacroServerManager.reInit(self) def cleanUp(self): if self.is_cleaned(): return if self._modules: for _, types_dict in self._modules.items(): for type_name in types_dict: Type.removeType(type_name) self._modules = None self._inst_dict = None MacroServerManager.cleanUp(self) def getTypeListObj(self): return self._type_list_obj def reloadTypeModule(self, module_name, path=None): """Loads/reloads the given module name""" #path = path or [ os.path.dirname(__file__) ] m = None try: m = ModuleManager().reloadModule(module_name, path) except: pass if m is None: if module_name in self._modules: self._modules.pop(module_name) return self._modules[module_name] = {} abs_file = inspect.getabsfile(m) ms = self.macro_server for name in dir(m): if name.startswith("_"): continue klass = getattr(m, name) try: if not issubclass(klass, ParamType): continue except: continue if klass in AbstractParamTypes: continue if inspect.getabsfile(klass) != abs_file: continue t = klass(ms, name) self.addType(t) def addType(self, type_obj): type_name = type_obj.getName() type_class = type_obj.__class__ module_name = type_obj.__module__ mod_types = self._modules[module_name] # action = (((type_name in mod_types) and "Updating") \ # or "Adding") action = "Updating" self.debug("%s type %s", action, type_name) mod_types[type_name] = type_class self._inst_dict[type_name] = type_obj Type.addType(type_name) def getTypeListStr(self): type_list_basic, type_list_obj = [], [] for _, type_class_dict in self._modules.items(): for tname, tklass in type_class_dict.items(): if tklass.hasCapability(ParamType.ItemList): type_list_obj.append("%s*" % tname) else: type_list_basic.append(tname) type_list = sorted(type_list_basic) + sorted(type_list_obj) return type_list def getTypeClass(self, type_name): for _, type_class_dict in self._modules.items(): tklass = type_class_dict.get(type_name) if tklass is None: continue return tklass return None def getTypeObj(self, type_name): return self._inst_dict.get(type_name) def getTypes(self): return self._inst_dict def getTypeNames(self): return self._inst_dict.keys()