Source code for sardana.pool.poolmetacontroller

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This file is part of Sardana
# Copyright 2011 CELLS / ALBA Synchrotron, Bellaterra, Spain
# Sardana is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sardana is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Sardana.  If not, see <>.

"""This module is part of the Python Pool libray. It defines the base classes

           "TypeData", "DTYPE_MAP", "DACCESS_MAP", "DataInfo",
           "ControllerLibrary", "ControllerClass"]

__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

import types
import inspect

from taurus.core.util.containers import CaselessDict

from sardana import DataType, DataFormat, DataAccess, \
    to_dtype_dformat, to_daccess, \
    ElementType, TYPE_ELEMENTS, InvalidId
from sardana.sardanameta import SardanaLibrary, SardanaClass
from sardana.pool.poolmotor import PoolMotor
from sardana.pool.poolpseudomotor import PoolPseudoMotor
from sardana.pool.poolmotorgroup import PoolMotorGroup
from sardana.pool.poolmeasurementgroup import PoolMeasurementGroup
from sardana.pool.poolcountertimer import PoolCounterTimer
from sardana.pool.pooltriggergate import PoolTriggerGate
from sardana.pool.poolzerodexpchannel import Pool0DExpChannel
from sardana.pool.poolonedexpchannel import Pool1DExpChannel
from sardana.pool.pooltwodexpchannel import Pool2DExpChannel
from sardana.pool.poolpseudocounter import PoolPseudoCounter
from sardana.pool.poolinstrument import PoolInstrument
from sardana.pool.poolioregister import PoolIORegister
from sardana.pool.poolcontroller import PoolController, \
    PoolPseudoMotorController, PoolPseudoCounterController
from sardana.pool.controller import Controller, MotorController, \
    CounterTimerController, ZeroDController, OneDController, TwoDController, \
    PseudoMotorController, PseudoCounterController, IORegisterController, \
from sardana.pool.controller import Type, Access, Description, DefaultValue, \
    FGet, FSet, Memorize, Memorized, MaxDimSize

#: String containing template code for a controller class
CONTROLLER_TEMPLATE = """class @controller_name@(@controller_type@):
    \"\"\"@controller_name@ description.\"\"\"


ET = ElementType

#: a dictionary dict<:data:`~sardana.ElementType`, class>
#: mapping element type enumeration with the corresponding controller pool class
#: (:class:`~sardana.pool.poolcontroller.PoolController` or sub-class of it).
    ET.Motor: PoolController,
    ET.CTExpChannel: PoolController,
    ET.OneDExpChannel: PoolController,
    ET.TwoDExpChannel: PoolController,
    ET.TriggerGate: PoolController,
    ET.PseudoMotor: PoolPseudoMotorController,
    ET.PseudoCounter: PoolPseudoCounterController,
    ET.IORegister: PoolController,

#: dictionary dict<:data:`~sardana.ElementType`, :class:`tuple`>
#: where tuple is a sequence:
#: #. type string representation
#: #. family
#: #. internal pool class
#: #. automatic full name
#: #. controller class
    ET.Controller: ("Controller", "Controller", CTRL_TYPE_MAP, "controller/{klass}/{name}", Controller),
    ET.Instrument: ("Instrument", "Instrument", PoolInstrument, "{full_name}", None),
    ET.Motor: ("Motor", "Motor", PoolMotor, "motor/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", MotorController),
    ET.CTExpChannel: ("CTExpChannel", "ExpChannel", PoolCounterTimer, "expchan/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", CounterTimerController),
    ET.TriggerGate: ("TriggerGate", "TriggerGate", PoolTriggerGate, "triggergate/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", TriggerGateController),
    ET.ZeroDExpChannel: ("ZeroDExpChannel", "ExpChannel", Pool0DExpChannel, "expchan/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", ZeroDController),
    ET.OneDExpChannel: ("OneDExpChannel", "ExpChannel", Pool1DExpChannel, "expchan/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", OneDController),
    ET.TwoDExpChannel: ("TwoDExpChannel", "ExpChannel", Pool2DExpChannel, "expchan/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", TwoDController),
    ET.PseudoMotor: ("PseudoMotor", "Motor", PoolPseudoMotor, "pm/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", PseudoMotorController),
    ET.PseudoCounter: ("PseudoCounter", "ExpChannel", PoolPseudoCounter, "pc/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", PseudoCounterController),
    ET.MotorGroup: ("MotorGroup", "MotorGroup", PoolMotorGroup, "mg/{pool_name}/{name}", None),
    ET.MeasurementGroup: ("MeasurementGroup", "MeasurementGroup", PoolMeasurementGroup, "mntgrp/{pool_name}/{name}", None),
    ET.IORegister: ("IORegister", "IORegister", PoolIORegister, "ioregister/{ctrl_name}/{axis}", IORegisterController),

[docs]class TypeData(object): """Information for a specific Element type""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
#: dictionary #: dict<:data:`~sardana.ElementType`, :class:`~sardana.pool.poolmetacontroller.TypeData`> TYPE_MAP_OBJ = {} for t, d in TYPE_MAP.items(): o = TypeData(type=t, name=d[0], family=d[1], klass=d[2], auto_full_name=d[3], ctrl_klass=d[4]) TYPE_MAP_OBJ[t] = o
[docs]class ControllerLibrary(SardanaLibrary): """Object representing a python module containning controller classes. Public members: - module - reference to python module - f_path - complete (absolute) path and filename - f_name - filename (including file extension) - path - complete (absolute) path - name - module name (without file extension) - controller_list - list<ControllerClass> - exc_info - exception information if an error occured when loading the module """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['manager'] = kwargs.pop('pool') kwargs['elem_type'] = ElementType.ControllerLibrary SardanaLibrary.__init__(self, **kwargs) add_controller = SardanaLibrary.add_meta_class get_controller = SardanaLibrary.get_meta_class get_controllers = SardanaLibrary.get_meta_classes has_controller = SardanaLibrary.has_meta_class
[docs] def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = SardanaLibrary.serialize(self, *args, **kwargs) kwargs['pool'] = self.get_manager().name kwargs['id'] = InvalidId return kwargs
@property def controllers(self): return self.meta_classes
[docs]class DataInfo(object): def __init__(self, name, dtype, dformat=DataFormat.Scalar, access=DataAccess.ReadWrite, description="", default_value=None, memorized='true', fget=None, fset=None, maxdimsize=None): = name self.dtype = dtype self.dformat = dformat self.access = access self.description = description self.default_value = default_value self.memorized = memorized self.fget = fget or "get%s" % name self.fset = fset or "set%s" % name if maxdimsize is None: if dformat == DataFormat.Scalar: maxdimsize = () elif dformat == DataFormat.OneD: maxdimsize = 2048, elif dformat == DataFormat.TwoD: maxdimsize = 2048, 2048 self.maxdimsize = maxdimsize
[docs] def copy(self): s = self d = DataInfo(, s.dtype, dformat=s.dformat, access=s.access, description=s.description, default_value=s.default_value, memorized=s.memorized, fget=s.fget, fset=s.fset, maxdimsize=self.maxdimsize) return d
[docs] @classmethod def toDataInfo(klass, name, info): info = CaselessDict(info) dtype = info[Type] dtype, dformat = to_dtype_dformat(dtype) default_value = info.get(DefaultValue) description = info.get(Description, '') daccess = info.get(Access, DataAccess.ReadWrite) daccess = to_daccess(daccess) memorized = info.get(Memorize, Memorized) maxdimsize = info.get(MaxDimSize) fget = info.get(FGet) fset = info.get(FSet) if default_value is not None and dtype != DataType.String: if type(default_value) in types.StringTypes: default_value = eval(default_value) return DataInfo(name, dtype, dformat=dformat, access=daccess, description=description, default_value=default_value, memorized=memorized, fget=fget, fset=fset, maxdimsize=maxdimsize)
[docs] def toDict(self): return {'name':, 'type': DataType.whatis(self.dtype), 'format': DataFormat.whatis(self.dformat), 'access': DataAccess.whatis(self.access), 'description': self.description, 'default_value': self.default_value, 'memorized': self.memorized, 'maxdimsize': self.maxdimsize}
[docs] def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.update(self.toDict()) return kwargs
def __repr__(self): return "{0}(name={1}, type={2}, format={3}, access={4})".format( self.__class__.__name__,, DataType[self.dtype], DataFormat[self.dformat], DataAccess[self.access])
# class PropertyInfo(DataInfo): # def __init__(self, name, dtype, dformat=DataFormat.Scalar, # description="", default_value=None): # DataInfo.__init__(self, name, dtype, dformat, access=DataAcces.ReadWrite, # description=description, default_value=default_value) # class AttributeInfo(DataInfo): # def __init__(self, name, dtype, dformat=DataFormat.Scalar, # access=DataAccess.ReadWrite, description=""): # DataInfo.__init__(self, name, dtype, dformat, access=DataAcces.ReadWrite, # description=description, default_value=None)
[docs]class ControllerClass(SardanaClass): """Object representing a python controller class. Public members: - name - class name - klass - python class object - lib - ControllerLibrary object representing the module where the controller is.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['manager'] = kwargs.pop('pool') kwargs['elem_type'] = ElementType.ControllerClass SardanaClass.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.types = [] self.dict_extra = {} self.api_version = 1 klass = self.klass # Generic controller information self.ctrl_features = tuple(klass.ctrl_features) self.ctrl_properties = props = CaselessDict() for k, v in klass.class_prop.items(): # old member props[k] = DataInfo.toDataInfo(k, v) for k, v in klass.ctrl_properties.items(): props[k] = DataInfo.toDataInfo(k, v) self.ctrl_attributes = ctrl_attrs = CaselessDict() for k, v in klass.ctrl_attributes.items(): ctrl_attrs[k] = DataInfo.toDataInfo(k, v) self.axis_attributes = axis_attrs = CaselessDict() for k, v in klass.ctrl_extra_attributes.items(): # old member axis_attrs[k] = DataInfo.toDataInfo(k, v) for k, v in klass.axis_attributes.items(): axis_attrs[k] = DataInfo.toDataInfo(k, v) self.types = types = self.__build_types() self.type_names = map(ElementType.whatis, types) if ElementType.PseudoMotor in types: self.motor_roles = tuple(klass.motor_roles) self.pseudo_motor_roles = tuple(klass.pseudo_motor_roles) if len(self.pseudo_motor_roles) == 0: self.pseudo_motor_roles = (klass.__name__,) self.dict_extra['motor_roles'] = self.motor_roles self.dict_extra['pseudo_motor_roles'] = self.pseudo_motor_roles if ElementType.PseudoCounter in types: self.counter_roles = tuple(klass.counter_roles) self.pseudo_counter_roles = tuple(klass.pseudo_counter_roles) if len(self.pseudo_counter_roles) == 0: self.pseudo_counter_roles = (klass.__name__,) self.dict_extra['counter_roles'] = self.counter_roles self.dict_extra['pseudo_counter_roles'] = self.pseudo_counter_roles if ElementType.IORegister in types: self.dict_extra['predefined_values'] = klass.predefined_values init_args = inspect.getargspec(klass.__init__) if init_args.varargs is None or init_args.keywords is None: self.api_version = 0 def __build_types(self): types = [] klass = self.klass for _type, type_data in TYPE_MAP_OBJ.items(): if _type not in TYPE_ELEMENTS: continue if issubclass(klass, type_data.ctrl_klass): types.append(_type) return types
[docs] def serialize(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs = SardanaClass.serialize(self, *args, **kwargs) kwargs['id'] = InvalidId kwargs['pool'] = self.get_manager().name kwargs['gender'] = self.gender kwargs['model'] = self.model kwargs['organization'] = self.organization kwargs['types'] = self.type_names if len(self.type_names): kwargs['main_type'] = self.type_names[0] else: kwargs['main_type'] = None kwargs['api_version'] = self.api_version kwargs.update(self.dict_extra) return kwargs
@property def controller_class(self): return self.klass @property def gender(self): return self.klass.gender @property def model(self): return self.klass.model @property def organization(self): return self.klass.organization